Economy of Agricultural and Processing Enterprises, 2022, No 2



Kolonchin K.V., Seregin S.N., Sysoev G.V. – The innovative vector and social orientation of the development of the food complex of Russia is a key factor of state policy (first part) (p. 2-14)

Golubev A.V.Agri-food inflation: origins and antidote (p. 15-20)


Kumratova A.M., Aleshchenko V.V. – Agro-climatic resources of grain-producing regions of Russia in the conditions of climate change (p. 21-27)

Iskhakova G.M. – Controlling in the anti-crisis management of an agricultural enterprise (p. 28-35)


Kundius V.A., Streltsova T.V. – New forms of associations based on the principles of cooperation in the development of organic agriculture (p. 36-43)


Balashova N.N., Peters I.A., Smotrova E.E., Donskova O.A. – Statistical scenario of human capital development in the agricultural sector of the Volgograd region (p. 44-50)

Blinova T.V. – Attitude of Agricultural University students to remote employment during the COVID-19 pandemic (p. 51-55)


Ulmer H. – Diversification in German agriculture (p. 56-63)



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2022-0-2-2-14

p. 2-14

The innovative vector and social orientation of the development of the food complex of Russia is a key factor of state policy

Kirill V. Kolonchin1, PhD (Economics), Director

Sergey N. Seregin2, PhD (Economics), Professor

Georgiy V. Sysoev3

1All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, Moscow, Russia

2Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems named after V.M. Gorbatov, Moscow, Russia

3Federal Scientific Agro-engineering Center VIM, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. Social problems should be solved by the state together with the business community as a priority in order to ensure sustainable economic growth and a high standard of living for the population of the country. The article presents an analysis of the main production indicators and indicators achieved within the framework of the goals set by the program documents in the field of agro-industrial and fisheries complexes. Most of the set goals have been achieved, the results obtained have become possible thanks to the systematic state support of organizations of the food complex on the principles of public-private partnership. To change the established trend of the liberal model of economic development, it is necessary to strengthen the role of the state. In order to stimulate innovation and investment activities, to improve the technical and technological level of production, it is necessary to determine the main priorities within the framework of the adopted program documents and allocate the necessary resources for these areas, constantly monitoring the decisions taken. Building a new system of public administration for the implementation of program documents in the field of the development of agriculture and fisheries will guarantee the achievement of the goals set by the state in a timely manner.

Keywords: agro-industrial complex, fisheries complex, food production, results for 2020, state regulation, social orientation, state support



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2022-0-2-15-20

p. 15-20

Agri-food inflation: origins and antidote

Alexey V. Golubev, PhD (Economics), Professor, Honoured Scientific Worker of RF

Russian State Agrarian University – MSKhA named after K.A. Timiryazev, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The article reveals the key reasons for the rise in food prices, the origins of which lie in the monopoly and oligopoly position of a number of participants in the food chain – and these are not agricultural producers. The enlarged formula of the food pricing process is given, where the initial conditions are set by monopolized suppliers of agricultural means of production and intermediaries. In this situation, the transit of cash flows is carried out through agriculture. To determine objectively reasonable prices, it is proposed to use the calculation of dynamic cost. The algorithm of market price regulation in the entire technological chain of food production and sale is presented. Insufficient conditions for perfect competition and low efficiency of state regulation of economic behavior of participants in the food market are noted. The term “intermediate competition” is introduced. A set of mechanisms and tools that prevent the growth of food prices is shown. The conclusion is made about the resource capabilities of the Russian economy for effective pricing management in the domestic food market, which makes it possible to neutralize the negative impact of global and subjective factors.

Keywords: agri-food inflation, import of inflation, intermediate competition, transit of money through agriculture, food chain, “entry points” of pricing, dynamic cost



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2022-0-2-21-27

p. 21-27

Agro-climatic resources of grain-producing regions of Russia in the conditions of climate change

Alfira M. Kumratova1, PhD (Economics), Senior Scientific Worker

Vitaliy V. Aleshchenko2, PhD (Economics), Leading Scientific Worker

1,2Institute of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia

Abstract. The article presents a study of the dynamics of the indicators of the yield of grain crops in Russia, taking into account the statistics of risk-extreme factors affecting the productivity of grain production. The review of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists devoted to the issues of determining the main factors affecting the quality and productivity of grown grain products is given. The authors proposed to divide the natural factors affecting the productivity of grain production into two groups: static and predictable. The analysis of the dynamics of inter-annual indicators of productivity of grain production in Russia, as well as the main meteorological factors affecting it, is presented. The indicators of meteorological hazards for the period 2019-2020 in the territories of the federal districts of the Russian Federation were studied. It is shown how the presence and frequency of detected risk-extreme values of meteorological factors have recently confirmed the fact of climate change in general. This problem is serious for Russia. The authors put forward a concept about the possible redistribution of the geography of grain production in the world in accordance with climate change scenarios in the coming decades. The processes of redistribution of territories for the production of grain crops will also affect Russia. It is important to learn how to predict these processes for the Russian Federation, which has vast territories with different climatic conditions inherent in it. Identification of “sustainable” districts with the most adaptive conditions for growing crops in the face of climate change can reduce the level of risk when making decisions in conditions of uncertainty.

Keywords: grain production, meteorological factors, extreme risk, grain yield, precipitation, air temperature, climate change



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2022-0-2-28-35

p. 28-35

Controlling in the anti-crisis management of an agricultural enterprise

Gulia M. Iskhakova, Senior Lecturer

Kazan Volga Federal University, Kazan, Russia

Abstract. The orientation of the modern management system towards strategic development and the creation of potential for long-term growth of enterprises determines the need to develop and apply modern approaches and tools in the management and organization of the effective functioning of the enterprise. Currently, one of these tools is controlling, the concept of which is designed to implement a new approach to the process of internal enterprise management. Not all aspects of controlling have found their due theoretical, methodological and practical solution, therefore, the concept of controlling has not yet found widespread use in the practical activities of domestic enterprises. In this regard, there is a need for a comprehensive study of theoretical and practical approaches to the formation and effective functioning of the controlling system, to determine its place in the enterprise management system. Formation of an effective model of the functioning of the controlling system in the anti-crisis management of an enterprise is a particularly important problem.

Keywords: controlling, agricultural enterprise, risk ranking, risk impact measures, cost recovery, economic efficiency



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2022-0-2-36-43

p. 36-43

New forms of associations based on the principles of cooperation in the development of organic agriculture

Valentina A. Kundius1, PhD (Economics), Professor

Tatiana V. Streltsova2, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor

1,2Altai State Agrarian University, Barnaul, Russia

Abstract. The article reflects the results of scientific research on the theory and practice of cooperation development in the conditions of competition and the course towards export-oriented, organic agriculture, activation of diversification processes, non-productive activities in rural areas. Evolutionary new forms of responsible cooperation, prerequisites and foundations for the formation of ecological and socially oriented clusters are shown. The relevance and novelty of the work lies in the study of theory and practice, prospects for cooperation in the context of the development of export-oriented, organic agriculture, the activation of diversification processes, technological and organizational innovations, the formation of environmental and socially oriented clusters in the conditions of the COVID crisis of 2019 - 2021. The purpose of the study is to identify the prospects and mechanisms for achieving the competitiveness of rural producers of organic products and increasing the socio-economic efficiency of their activities based on the development of forms of cooperation, diversification, organic agriculture, the formation of ecological, socially-oriented clusters in rural areas. Using the example of the Altai Territory, the advantages of cooperation for the organization and management of organic agriculture, the processes of unrelated diversification in the agro-industrial complex of the resort and recreation center, the creation of a resort and agricultural cluster, for the preservation and development of rural areas are shown.

Keywords: cooperation, diversification, resort and agricultural cluster, development prospects, organic agriculture



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2022-0-2-44-50

p. 44-50

Statistical scenario of human capital development in the agricultural sector of the Volgograd region

Natalia N. Balashova1, PhD (Economics), Professor

Irina A. Peters2, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor

Elena E. Smotrova3, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor

Olga A. Donskova4, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor

1,2,3,4Volgograd State Agrarian University, Volgograd, Russia

Abstract. The concept of human capital involves a extensive and comprehensive study of the labor resources of the agricultural sector of economy, the implementation of approaches to modeling the workforce, linking economic and social aspects in rural areas. Dynamic changes in the composition and structure of labor resources, the income of an individual employee, the subsistence minimum in the Volgograd region, as well as the impact of social infrastructure on the development of life in rural areas are presented. On the basis of a multiple regression model, a forecast of the number of agricultural labor force for the medium term in the conditions of the demographic crisis was obtained.

Keywords: agro-industrial complex, agriculture, human capital, labor resources, labor potential, wage level, statistical forecast, Volgograd region



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2022-0-2-51-55

p. 51-55

Attitude of Agricultural University students to remote employment during the COVID-19 pandemic

Tatiana V. Blinova, PhD (Economics), Professor, Chief Scientific Worker

Institute of Agrarian Issues of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saratov, Russia

Abstract. The purpose of the study is to assess students’ attitudes towards remote employment during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study considers the objective and subjective prerequisites for the development of remote employment, its advantages and disadvantages in the respondents’ assessments. The information base of the research is based on the results of a pilot survey of students. The sample size is 216 respondents, including 144 urban residents and 66 students who lived in rural areas before entering the agricultural university. The results of the study show that an important advantage of remote work, according to students, is the ability to achieve a balance between work and personal life (52.6%). The disadvantages of the remote format included low chances of promotion (26.6%), limited opportunities for professional development (26.3%) and the inability to concentrate on work while at home (23.4%).

Keywords: remote employment, students, attitudes, rural and urban settlements, Russia



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2022-0-2-56-63

p. 56-63

Diversification in German agriculture

Harald Ulmer, organic agriculture expert

Workshop of agriculture, Augsburg, Germany

Abstract. The article explains the essence of the concept of “diversification in agriculture”, defines the place and role of diversification in the processes that have taken place in agriculture in Germany and Europe over the past decades. The article describes a purely technical, as well as a political dimension of the concept of “diversification”, shows a wide variety of strategies for realizing the opportunities inherent in diversification. Its directions related to the role and significance of rural development are also considered. Measures of state support for diversification in Germany are presented.

Keywords: agriculture, rural areas, diversification, state support, Germany



p. 64

Anatoliy A. Chernyaev (obituary)