Economy of Agricultural and Processing Enterprises, 2024, No 2




Semin A.N., Cherdantsev P.V. – Milk subcomplex: approaches to evaluation and directions of efficiency growth (p. 2-7)

Baryshnikova N.A., Kireeva N.A., Martynovich V.I., Alexandrova L.A. – Features of inflationary processes in the agro-food system of Russia (p. 8-19)


Shelkovnikov S.A., Ermolaeva G.S. – Directions of development of food and processing industries in industrial-type regions (p. 20-26)

Gataulina E.A., Shishkina E.A. – Rural local economy: main characteristics of rural small and medium enterprises in municipal regions by industry (p. 27-32)

Chepeleva K.V. – Increasing the efficiency of export of oil and fat products from the regions of Siberia (p. 33-40)

Shcherbakova A.S. – Food waste in social institutions: financial losses of budgetary funds (p. 41-47)


Goncharov V.D., Salnikov S.G. – Innovative activity in the agro-industrial complex of Russia (p. 48-54)


Shulyateva G.M. – Substantiation of the technology of control of the distribution area of the Sosnovsky Hogweed in the aspect of land management (p. 55-61)


Sobolev O.S. – Weather conditions and food prices in 2023 in Russia and abroad (p. 62-68)


Kazibekov I.M.  – Targeted and organizational aspects of domestic tourism activities (p. 69-71)




DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2024-0-2-2-7

p. 2-7

Original article

Milk subcomplex: approaches to evaluation and directions of efficiency growth

Alexander N. Semin1, Pavel V. Cherdantsev2

1Ural State Economic University, Ekaterinburg, Russia

2Ural Research Institute of Economic Security and Rural Development, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Abstract. The food supply to the population is a priority and shows high importance for the economic state of Russia. An important issue in this regard is the production of milk and dairy products in accordance with established medical standards at a sufficient level. Consumers increasingly need milk and dairy products, but statistics show that over ten years in our country the annual volume of milk production has remained virtually unchanged. In these conditions, the issues of finding ways to increase milk production volumes, both at the level of individual business units and at the level of this strategically significant subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex, which is dairy, as a whole, are becoming increasingly urgent. The article discusses approaches to assessing the functioning of the dairy subcomplex and formulates scientifically based directions for increasing its efficiency.

Keywords: dairy subcomplex, milk, dairy farming, agro-industrial complex, innovation, robotics, efficiency, government support


Information about the authors:

A.N. Semin – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Department of World Economy and Foreign Economic Activity (

P.V. Cherdantsev – Junior Researcher (

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 15.01.2024, approved after reviewing on 18.01.2024, accepted for publication on 19.01.2024.



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2024-0-2-8-19

p. 8-19

Original article

Features of inflationary processes in the agro-food system of Russia

Natalia A. Baryshnikova1, Natalia A. Kireeva2, Vadim I. Martynovich3, Lyudmila A. Alexandrova4

1,2,3 Saratov State Law Academy, Saratov, Russia

4 Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov, Saratov, Russia

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the features of food inflation in Russia in the context of assessing the main factors and causes that determine it: monetary and non-monetary, economic and non-economic, external and internal, lying on the supply and demand side. Based on the analysis of inflationary processes and factors determining food demand for the period 2000-2022, the authors conclude that the main cause of food inflation in Russia is the increase in production costs, which causes cost inflation. The study of the dynamics and factors of inflation in individual food markets has shown that the rates of price growth and their volatility vary depending on the specific food product and the specifics of the market: agricultural raw materials and processed food products; the level of concentration and monopolization of the market; integration into the world market and orientation to domestic demand. Based on the results of the study, the authors formulated proposals to improve the anti-inflationary policy in the Russian Federation.

Keywords: prices, food inflation, demand, costs, elasticity, economic accessibility of food, anti-inflationary policy


Information about the authors:

N.A. Baryshnikova – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher (

N.A. Kireeva – Doctor of Economics, Professor (

V.I. Martynovich – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (

L.A. Alexandrova – Doctor of Economics, Professor (

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 01.12.2023, approved after reviewing on 29.12.2023, accepted for publication on 10.01.2024.



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2024-0-2-20-26

p. 20-26


Original article

Directions of development of food and processing industries in industrial-type regions

Sergey A. Shelkovnikov1, Galina S. Ermolaeva2

1 Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia

2 Kuzbass State Agrarian University named after V.N. Poletskov, Kemerovo, Russia

Abstract. In industrial-type regions with a predominant industrial component of the economy, the issue of providing the population with high-quality and affordable food is most acute. In industrial regions, there are problems with agriculture, such as an unfavorable environmental situation, partly related to the predominance of extractive industry in the region’s economy, a shortage of agricultural land, etc. At the same time, the region has scientific, technical, and innovative potentials for the development of processing of agricultural raw materials and food production. Since the majority of the population in these regions is predominantly urban, intensive modern living conditions require the production of ready-made food, semi-finished products, which stimulates the creation of food and processing industries. Therefore, a shift in emphasis towards the processing of agricultural raw materials and food production is becoming a priority direction for the development of agro-industrial complex. One of the main constraining factors of the extensive variant of agricultural development in industrial regions is the limited land resources and their deterioration under the influence of the consequences of the activities of industrial, mainly extractive industries. The article substantiates the limitations of the extensive development path of the agro-industrial complex of the Kemerovo region – Kuzbass, emphasizes the need for its development, on an innovative basis, and food and processing industries in particular. The significance of the research lies in the development of a concept for the development of food and processing industries, which determines the main directions of their development.

Keywords: industrial regions, agro-industrial complex development, agricultural lands, food and processing industries, directions of development, development concept


Information about the authors:

S.A. Shelkovnikov – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Accounting and Financial Technologies, Faculty of Economics and Management (

G.S. Ermolaeva – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Department of Agrarian Policy and Municipal Management (

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 25.10.2023, approved after reviewing on 11.12.2023, accepted for publication on 18.12.2023.



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2024-0-2-27-32

p. 27-32

Original article

Rural local economy: main characteristics of rural small and medium enterprises in municipal regions by industry

Ekaterina A. Gataulina1, Ekaterina A. Shishkina2

1, 2 VIAPI named after A.A. Nikonov – branch of the Federal Scientific Center VNIIESKh, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. As part of the continuation of the study of rural local economy, conducted by VIAPI named after A.A. Nikonov, the main financial and economic characteristics of rural small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in municipal regions of Russia have been identified by industry based on SPARK-Interfax based on 2021 data. Despite the growing attention of authorities to the development of rural areas, including through SMEs, there is no open data to determine which sectors are most attractive specifically for rural SMEs, how efficient they are, what their productivity and wages are. It is widely believed that the main activity of rural enterprises is agriculture. The work shows that SMEs of non-agricultural activities generally predominate not only in numbers, but also in revenue, both on average for all municipal districts of Russia and in the vast majority of regions of the Russian Federation, although agriculture remains important for them and one of the most profitable industries. The work provides indicators of efficiency and labor productivity, debt burden of rural SMEs by industry, which can be used when forming decisions in the field of rural development.

Keywords: small and medium enterprises, rural local economy, rural development, municipal districts


Information about the authors:

E.A. Gataulina – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher (

E.A. Shishkina – Junior Researcher (

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 18.01.2023, approved after reviewing on 23.01.2023, accepted for publication on 25.01.2023.



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2024-0-2-33-40

p. 33-40

Original article

Increasing the efficiency of export of oil and fat products from the regions of Siberia

Kristina V. Chepeleva

Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Abstract. The purpose of the study is to increase the efficiency of export of oil and fat products from the regions of Siberia (Siberian Federal District (SFD)). The analysis of the current state of exports of fat and oil products from the regions of SFD is carried out. The article examines the dynamics and structure of exports of fat-and-oil products of the subjects of the Siberian Federal District, as well as the impact of state regulation of the fat-and-oil industry in the Russian Federation. The ranking of the regions of Siberia according to the degree of their influence on export revenue from the sale of fat and oil products is presented, the analysis of the geography of exports is given. Conclusions are drawn that, under certain conditions and for certain territories of the Russian Federation, state regulation measures for the oil and fat industry are not sufficiently effective to achieve their goals. The formed export-raw material model of economic development of the fat-and-oil subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex of Siberia is accompanied by a number of difficulties for existing exporters. The author focuses on the need to develop the processing of oilseeds in the regions of Siberia. In the Siberian Federal District, it is potentially effective to develop its own processing of oilseeds, changing the structure of agricultural exports, increasing the volume of sales of fat and oil products of medium and high technological conversion.

Keywords: export of agricultural products, oil and fat subcomplex, oilseeds, oil and fat products, regions of the Siberian Federal District, production efficiency


Information about the author:

K.V. Chepeleva – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Logistics (

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 08.11.2023, approved after reviewing on 27.11.2023, accepted for publication on 04.12.2023.



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2024-0-2-41-47

p. 41-47

Original article

Food waste in social institutions: financial losses of budgetary funds

Anna S. Shcherbakova

Institute of Socio-Economic and Energy Problems of the North of the Federal Research Center of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar, Russia

Abstract. Circular agriculture considered as one of the forms of sustainable development of the agricultural sector. The essence of the proposed new approach in agriculture based on the reduction of agricultural waste and the ability to use a closed production cycle to increase economic, social and environmental efficiency. The author has previously developed an experimental business model for the circular economy of agriculture and the agri-food system using the example of the Komi Republic. The study revealed that the main problem inherent in the circular economy of agriculture, as the disposal of animal waste, is absent in the region. Taking into account the peculiarities of the region, other significant problems were found: the disposal of containers from food imported from other regions and the amount of discarded food purchased for state social institutions under Federal Law No. 44 «On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs». Based on surveys, it was revealed that in social institutions where free meals provided at the expense of the republican budget, the amount of food thrown away by students and patients ranges from 25 to 60%. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the Republic of Komi, for the first time, the losses of budget funds allocated for free meals in public institutions in the context of municipalities of the region were calculated. The article calculates the losses of budget funding from discarded food (food) in the areas of education, social protection and healthcare for 2017-2022. The calculations based on the data of requests, both to the relevant ministries of the Komi Republic, and to the administration of municipalities of urban districts and municipal districts. It is revealed that the loss of budget funding due to discarded food for 2017-2022 range from 1024.3 to 3073 million rubles. The practical significance of the introduction of this model in the regional economy of the republic will ensure a reduction in food losses, a decrease in the formation of food and non-food waste, which will increase the level of self-sufficiency in basic foodstuffs, the rational use of resources in the agricultural sector and the effective use of budgetary funds.

Keywords: circular economy, agriculture, free food, social institutions, public funding, food waste

Acknowledgements: the work was carried out on the topic of research «Digital bioeconomics of the northern region: approaches and directions» (State Accounting No. 124012700509-1)


Information about the author:

A.S. Shcherbakova – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Environmental Economics (, (

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 13.03.2023, approved after reviewing and corresponding author’s revision on 04.04.2023, accepted for publication on 10.04.2023.



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2024-0-2-48-54

p. 48-54

Original article

Innovative activity in the agro-industrial complex of Russia

Vladimir D. Goncharov1, Sergei G. Salnikov2

1, 2 VIAPI named after A.A. Nikonov – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific Center VNIIESKh, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The article provides an assessment of the current level of innovation in agriculture and the food industry. The reasons for the low level of innovative activity in the sectors of the country’s agro-industrial complex are revealed and measures to eliminate them are proposed.

Keywords: innovation, agro-industrial complex, agriculture, food production, innovative activity


Information about the authors:

V.D. Goncharov – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of Informatization of the Agro-Industrial Complex (

S.G. Salnikov – Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Informatization of the Agro-Industrial Complex (

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 18.01.2024, approved after reviewing on 29.01.2024, accepted for publication on 31.01.2024.



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2024-0-2-55-61

p. 55-61

Original article

Substantiation of the technology of control of the distribution area of the Sosnovsky Hogweed in the aspect of land management

Galina M. Shulyateva

Vyatka State Agrotechnological University, Kirov, Russia

Abstract. The results of the substantiation of the proposed technology for monitoring the distribution area of the Sosnovsky Hogweed, taking into account its environmental, social and economic efficiency, are presented. The urgency of considering the biological characteristics of the Sosnovsky Hogweed is emphasized, primarily at the stage of vegetation in the development of technology for controlling the distribution area of this plant. The operation «peeling» in combination with other operations of in-depth cultivation of arable land and the operation of imitation peeling on grassy lands, supplemented by mowing, ensure the sustainable elimination of the dominance of Heracleum Sosnowskyi, limit its unauthorized spread, justify themselves as the main operations of effective technology for controlling the population of Heracleum Sosnowskyi.

Keywords: land management, technology of distribution control, Heracleum Sosnowskyi, consideration of features, vegetation phase, justification of environmental, social and economic efficiency


Information about the author:

G.M. Shulyateva – Candidate of Economic Science, Associate Professor (

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 08.11.2023, approved after reviewing and corresponding author’s revision on 04.12.2023, accepted for publication on 06.12.2023.



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2024-0-2-62-68

p. 62-68

Original article

Weather conditions and food prices in 2023 in Russia and abroad

Oleg S. Sobolev

VIAPI named after A.A. Nikonov – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific Center VNIIESKh, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The article notes favorable weather conditions in the Russian Federation for agricultural production. A comparative analysis of domestic and foreign food prices in the 4th quarter of 2023 is given. Producer prices and consumer prices for agricultural products are considered. There was a decrease in export prices for food on the world market during the year compared to 2022. The increase in Russia’s domestic purchasing and retail prices for meat in the 4th quarter of 2023 is analyzed.

Keywords: agriculture, weather conditions, decline in global food export prices in 2023, drop in the average annual FAO CPI for grain and milk, growth in the average annual FAO price index for sugar, increase in domestic demand for meat in the 4th quarter, reduction of dairy inflation in the Russian Federation to 1%


Information about the author:

O.S. Sobolev – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Leading Researcher (

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 08.02.2024, approved after reviewing on 12.02.2024, accepted for publication on 13.02.2024.



DOI 10.31442/0235-2494-2024-0-2-69-71

p. 69-71

Original article

Targeted and organizational aspects of domestic tourism activities

Islam M. Kazibekov

Dagestan State Agrarian University, Makhachkala, Russia

Abstract. The article highlights the essential aspects of improving the organizational mechanism and decomposing the goal of domestic tourism development. Based on the significant increase in the number of domestic tourist trips at the end of 2023, a conclusion is drawn about the priorities for the year-round organization of the functioning of the tourism industry in the region, and aspects of the spatial development of rural areas are also considered. The author has formulated recommendations for the development of internal development, incl. in the aspect of rural tourism development, complementing the norms of state policy.

Keywords: domestic tourism, service sector, industry, service, digitalization, agricultural sector


Information about the author:

I.M. Kazibekov – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Accounting, Auditing and Finance

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 24.01.2024, approved after reviewing on 30.01.2024, accepted for publication on 01.02.2024.